Thursday, June 6, 2013

Our Year of Luke

When the words “induction” came out of Dr. I’s mouth at my 38 week appointment, I couldn’t believe my ears.  Since Week 35’s internal exam found me 2-3cm dilated and 60% effaced, it was thought that there was no way I would make it to my due date, 4/16/13.  Baby Pavicic #2 had other plans though and one day I will have to thank him…let me explain why.

38 weeks & 1 day Pregnant - 11 days before delivery!
After my 39 week appointment found me still at 4cm and 100% effaced, Paul and I decided that we would go through with Dr. I’s proposed induction and welcome our sweet baby into the world.  Though I had SWORN not to be induced (since I had taken medication for 20 weeks to ward off labor), the ability to have a “plan” for Tommy, my own wonderful doctor on call to deliver my baby and to not have to face the unknown of the onset of labor, were all reason enough to schedule.  So, at 39 weeks and 5 days, per our scheduled date and 8am time slot, we made our way to Hillcrest Hospital to watch our family grow by two feet!

Together, my hubby and I walked down the corridor carrying a few small bags.  We were greeted at the front desk by Dr. I himself and he quickly turned us over to my nurse (who I didn’t know would be so amazing yet), Karen.  She walked us to our delivery room, gave me a few instructions and was out of the room before I could blink my eyes.  While I had barely slept the night before because I was so anxious, I still managed to shower, put some make-up on and semi-style my hair.  My make-up didn’t stay on for long because just as the nurse left the room, the reality hit and the tears streamed down my face.  I was nervous for the labor to begin and even more nervous to interrupt our seemingly perfect family with the addition of someone new.  Paul hugged me, and tight, just what I needed.  I wiped away the tears, put a smile on my face and changed into my gown.  It knew it was go time.

At 8:30, dressed in his jeans, Dr. I came into the room and discussed the plan for the day.  He would break my water, start the Pitocin and we would wait for Baby Pavicic #2 to arrive.  Before he could do anything, my lovely nurse drew a few tubes of blood, hooked me up to the IV and got me started.  By 9am, Dr. I decided to break my water and begin the Pitocin.  I was feeling fine – a few contractions here and there – and so around 10am Paul left to get some food.  The delivery room only allowed for two visitors at a time (and this was a fairly strict policy) and so while he was gone my mom and sister (whom I probably scarred for life) sat with me to keep me company.  By 10:30am the contractions were coming on strong.  I breathed through them, but they hurt.  And they hurt bad.  At 10:40am I was calling on my nurse for the epidural and through gritted teeth, angrily asking where my husband was.  I will never forget my nurse telling me that it was a good idea to “get the epidural early.”  I thought for certain this meant I was in for a long day.

Paul didn’t make it back before the anesthesiologist came to administer the epidural.  Again, this hurt.  And this hurt bad.  My nurse was my saving grace talking me through each contraction, taking my mind off of the pain.  However, even with the epidural, the pain was not going away on my right side.  So, by 11:30am, the anesthesiologist was back in the room adjusting the catheter and by 11:50am I was finally able to ask for a popsicle.  Nurse Karen said she’d give me a little more time to make sure that I was pain free before internally checking on my progression.  So, at 12:00pm, she examined me to find that I was, in her words, “Ten Plus” centimeters dilated and it was time to push.  I was shocked.

By 12:10pm, Dr. Iafelice was back in the room.  I remember him checking my cervix and saying, “Ok, I think we can do this.  Let’s have you push.”   I stared up at Paul, not sure what to think or what to do.  I couldn’t feel a thing.  Was he sure that it was time to deliver this baby?  I suppose it was because on the  cue of him and nurse Karen, as a contraction came, I pushed…twice.   And Paul announced the arrival of our sweet baby, Luke Parnell, into the world.  After roughly 3 ½ hours of labor, on April 14, 2013, born at 12:26pm, clocking in at 8 lbs, 3 oz and 19 ½ inches long, another Pavicic man stole my heart!  And so as the Catholic Church is in its Year of Luke…the Pavicic Family begins OUR year of Luke.