Monday, April 1, 2013

I Believe in Miracles

Nearly three weeks ago at 35 weeks and three days pregnant, I went in to see Dr. I for my first official internal exam and my last injection of Makena.  Lo and behold, the exam found me at 2-3cm dilated and 60% effaced.  Dr. I was shocked at the progress and suggested that should there be any future pregnancies, the Makena injection is a must.  It had done such an amazing job warding off pre-term labor for 35 weeks.  He was convinced that labor was imminent in the next one-two weeks.  Here we are, working on three weeks later and my latest exams have found me a solid 3cm dilated and 80% effaced.  Baby Pavicic #2 is seemingly quite comfortable in utero and there have been no signs of labor so far.  Perhaps s/he will shock everyone and arrive on his/her due date (4/16/13) after all.

Getting to this point, (38 weeks tomorrow - Miracles CAN happen!!!) has stirred a wealth of emotions.  For 37 weeks, I rubbed my belly and told my precious child that s/he should stay put for as long as possible.  I received 20 injections, called the doctor's office about every possible ache or pain, given up a lot of responsibilities to my husband since I promised to rest, gone to bed at 9:00 p.m. and woken up every morning and wondered, IS TODAY THE DAY?  Every day was filled with worry, anxiety and anticipation that Baby Pavicic #2 may make an appearance sooner than we hoped for.

There has been quite a shift in mind set the past week...and it hasn't been easy.  To simply make the shift from worry to excitement almost in the blink of an eye has been difficult.  I am now allowed to ENCOURAGE the arrival of this little bundle of joy.  I am supposed to take any ache or pain in stride and remind myself that its my body's way of preparing to deliver.  The signs I looked for and worried about with pre-term labor, I am now supposed to look for and be happy about because labor is near!  I haven't completely given up the help of my husband (I've decided I'll always need that), but I do find myself staying up later than usual and doing more than I've done the past few months.  And yet still, I wake up every morning and wonder, IS TODAY THE DAY?  My days now are filled with excitement, relaxation and the natural anticipation that Baby Pavicic #2 may soon get to meet his/her awesome big brother, Tommy.
Last Easter by himself before he becomes a big BROTHER
Since I was expecting to go into labor much sooner, the nursery has been completed, clothes are washed and put away, the car seat is assembled and the hospital bags are packed.  And now, the only thing left to do is spend what precious time I have left soaking up the seconds, minutes, hours and days of being JUST Tommy's Mommy.  This week Tommy and I have plans for relaxation, lots of play time and even a special date to the Cleveland Metroparks Rainforest during my time off from school.  The longer Baby Pavicic #2 hangs out, the more time I get to spend spoiling my little boy and reminding him how much I love him.

A Glimpse of Baby's Nursery

While the past nine months have been anything but easy, I feel grateful to have the opportunity to carry this child and to be able to give Tommy a sibling, a play mate, a best friend.  I am thankful for the support of our families, my MANY amazing friends who have followed me, listened to me and advised me and of course, my unbelievable husband for his calm and collected nature and the evident love that he has for me, Tommy and Baby Pavicic #2.  I look forward to welcoming this new baby into our lives and to making our family complete.

Tommy & Daddy on Easter



  1. You are such a good Mommy!!

  2. My Little Ring Bearer is looking soooo grown up!!!
    The nursery is too cute!!!! Come design mine in a couple yrs ;)
